Il fallimento della famiglia nucleare. Capitalismo, amore e Stato
(The Failure of the Nuclear Family. Capitalism, Love and the State)
Italian Translation
Publication date:
Milano, 8 March 2021
available at VandA.edizioni
Contro la maternità patriarcale
(Against Patriarchal Maternity)
Publication date:
Milano, 17 June 2020
ISBN: 9788868993825
available at VandA.edizioni
Das Versagen der Kleinfamilie. Kapitalismus, Liebe und der Staat
(The Failure of the Nuclear Family. Capitalism, Love and the State)
2nd Edition
available at Budrich-Academic.de
Das Versagen der Kleinfamilie. Kapitalismus, Liebe und der Staat
(The Failure of the Nuclear Family. Capitalism, Love and the State)
Publishing House Barbara Budrich
228 pages
available at Budrich-Academic.de
Motherhood in Patriarchy
Animosity Toward Mothers in Politics and Feminist Theory - Proposals for Change.
Opladen-Farmington Hills, MI.
Publishing House Barbara Budrich
304 pages
available at Budrich Verlag
with co-authors
Ich bin jung, ich muss noch viel machen. Lebenskonzepte und -verläufe von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrations-hintergrund in Österreich
(I'm young, I still have a lot to do. Life concepts and development of young people with and without a migratory background in Austria)
available from Publisher Budrich UniPress
285 pages
also available on Amazon
Familienpolitik– Nationale und internationale Perspektiven
(Family Policy – National and International Perspectives)
Series Familienforschung Vol. 20. Opladen-Farmington Hills, MI.
Publishing House Barbara Budrich
156 pages
available at Budrich-Academic.de
Drei Generationen - eine Familie. Austauschbeziehungen zwischen den Generationen aus Sicht der Großeltern und das Altersbild in der Politik
(Three Generations – One Family. Grandparents' View on the Tradeoff between the Generations and Age Perceptions in Politics)
168 pages
available at Studienverlag
with co-authors
Väter im Abseits. Zum Kontaktabbruch der Vater-Kind-Beziehung nach Scheidung/Trennung.
(Fathers aside. Background and Motives of Contact Break-off between Father and Child after Divorce.)
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (now Springer)
296 pages
available at Springer Verlag
Mutterschaft im Patriarchat.
Mutter(feind)schaft in politischer Ordnung und feministischer Theorie – Kritik und Ausweg.
(Motherhood in Patriarchy. Motherhood in Politics and Feminist Theory - Critique and Alternatives)
Beiträge zur Dissidenz Nr. 14.
Frankfurt am Main-Berlin-Bern- Brussels-New York-Oxford-Wien.
349 pages
available at Peter Lang Verlag
with co-authors
Bevölkerung in Österreich.
Demographische Trends, politische Rahmenbedingungen, entwicklungspolitische Aspekte.
(Population in Austria.
Demographic Trends, Political Framework and Aspects of Development Assistance)
Schriften des Instituts für Demographie, Vol.12. Wien.
104 pages