
18 September 2024

"We are the donkeys here"
Interview with Elle Kamihira on the Podcast "Subject to Power"


Podcast description:
Motherhood, in our Western culture, is full of contradictions. On the one hand, mothers perform an essential task: creating and nurturing new human life. On the other, the status of mothers is that of general servitude to the nuclear family, with no significant public voice or power.


Western culture, adopted across the world, is still largely structured in the mold that the male Greek philosophers created millennia ago. Roughly divided into a public sphere that is inhabited and controlled by men, and the family sphere which is inhabited by women and children; a “private world” that is under constant surveillance and control by the public sphere.


While feminism continually challenges this patriarchal social order, and women as a class have made enormous gains in the public sphere, motherhood is still an arena where patriarchal interests come into direct conflict with human needs and women’s humanity.


In this episode Elle talks to political scientist and author Mariam Tazi-Preve, whose research fields are politics and reproduction, motherhood, fatherhood, family and population policies, European welfare state, gender and political theory, and theory of civilization.



12 May 2024

"Darf ich sagen, dass Muttersein das Schönste auf der Welt ist?"
"May I say that being a mother is the loveliest thing in the world?"

 Quotes on Mother's Day by Wlada Kolosowa
 Zeit Online Magazine



ZEIT Online article, May 2024
in German
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 3.7 MB

13 March 2024

"21 Erwachsene, 9 Kinder: Entlastet die Gross-WG die Kleinfamilie?"

"21 grown-ups, 9 kids: can communal living absorb the burden of the nuclear family?"


Interview with Julia Lüscher. Podcast "Input" of the Swiss channel SRF

Audio & summary on the SRF-Website (in German)


14 April 2023

ZEIT Online

"Erst wollen sie ein Kind, dann kümmern sie sich um ihren Job".

"First they want a child, then they care about their job"

Mother's Day interview with Alexandra Eul.

ZEIT Interview May 2023
in German
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 506.2 KB

7 March 2023
Radio Bayern, radioWissen.


"Vater, Mutter, Kind - Ist die Kleinfamilie am Ende?"

"Father, mother child - is the nuclear family done and over?"

Interview with Justina Schreiber.

broadcast 27 September 2023, on radio station Bayern 2: radioWissen | Bayern 2 | Radio | 

25 May 2021  

ZEIT Online

"Eltern erleben das Zuhause als Ort nie endender Belastung"
Parents experience home as a place of never-ending burden"


The state is leaving families alone in the pandemic, says scientist Mariam Tazi-Preve. However, the small family model was already obsolete before Corona...

Link to the article on ZEIT ONLINE (full access for subscribers) - in German



"Your interview was received with a storm of enthusiasm by our readers, it was the most read text on the site in the past 24 hours and was praised and discussed controversially in the editorial office...."

- Feedback from the ZEIT ONLINE editorial team
of May 27, 2021

24 March 2019  

"Weder Erwachsene noch Kinder sind darin glücklich"
“Neither adults nor children are happy in it”


Since the lecture in Bregenz was canceled for the time being at the beginning of April, there is now an interview on the subject of the lecture, "The failure of the nuclear family?"




Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung
Interview in German on the topic:
„The failure of the nuclear family?“
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 294.2 KB

10 January 2019


Kränkung in der Familie:"Der Kontakt versandet einfach"
"Mortification in the family: Contact just peters out"


Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve on fathers who have separated and lose their relationship with their children, methods of separation and insults that can be carried over generations.




The full interview in German: and in the printed version of "Profil 02/19

13 December 2018


Kein Leben mit der Kleinfamilie
No life with the nuclear family


Interview in the December issue of EMMA on the subject.



Is the nuclear family the source of all evil?


(laughs) Well, maybe rather: much evil. The


family is one of the cornerstones of patriarchy,


alongside politics, business and religion.


Had women had the power of definition, families would look very different today.But they didn't.


EMMA December 2018
Interview on the subject, "no Life with the nuclear family" (pp. 44 - 47)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 307.5 KB

9 September 2018


Interview on on the topic:

Das neue Ideal der Familie? 

Towards a New Family Ideal?




Although the traditional nuclear family is culturally dominant in literature, film and advertising, new family compositions are becoming more common. A debate on family values and the value of the family.



 27 Min.

7 May 2018


Menschen im Gespräch

People in Conversation

Interview with Radio Wien
in German
MIG Tazi-Preve mit Verpackung.MP3
MP3 Audio Datei 36.3 MB

14 April 2018

Interview with Birgit Neges (in German)


this interview can also be accessed under the following links:

Birgit Neges - Facebook

Birgit Neges - Official website

4 April 2018



Family work




In our society, family work is still mainly done by women. If you wanted to do all these activities commercially, you would need umpteen qualifications. But family work takes place in an invisible area, where there is no appreciation, no payment or social recognition. Hardly anything has changed in this regard over the centuries. Since women are still gainfully employed today, the women are doubly burdened and often completely overwhelmed.




Why is our society doing this to women? Who benefits from this model, who earns from it?


Podcast (in German): Familienarbeit- Arbeitswelt im Wandel


6 March 2018


“Neugier genügt”

"Curiosity is enough"
WDR 5 Live Interview



The end of the small family - Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve

speech time 30:26 mins




Father-mother-child - the ideal small family enjoys great popularity over the long term. Almost without exception, young people strive for it. But does the family really live up to the high expectations placed on them?




Guest: Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve


Moderator: Ralph Erdenberger

30 January 2018


Die Kleinfamilie am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs?
The small family on the verge of nervous breakdown?


Interview with the Budrich Verlag



"Ms. Tazi-Preve, what made you decide to write this book?"


Mariam Tazi-Preve: "I've been asked that in many interviews. Most of my readers have understood the content very well and in numerous responses I have been told, for example, that I "finally do justice to the mothers" and generally say exactly "where the rub is"...


25 January 2018


Interview in the Stuttgarter Zeitung


The Austrian Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve has been concerned with the social developments of the family for a long time. In her opinion, the traditional nuclear family no longer has a future in today's everyday life.


Read the whole interview (in German): Stuttgarter Zeitung

25 October 2017


Interview for the Süddeutsche Zeitung


Austrian social scientist Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve researches on the life conditions of mothers and fathers. In doing so, she calls an estsablished life model into question: the nuclear family. A conversation about myths and false expectations.


by Barbara Vorsamer


The interview (in German):

"Familie ist ein hochpolitischer Ort!"

24 October 2017


"Familie ist ein hochpolitischer Ort!"

"Family is a highly political place!"


Why aren't things really moving forward with equality? And are decisions about women's withdrawal into the private sphere after childbirth really purely private, personal decisions?



Here is a link to the full interview in German:

28 August 2017


Frau Tazi-Preve, warum sind Mütter heute so erschöpft?

Ms. Tazi-Preve, why are mothers so exhausted nowadays?




Today's mother image drives women to exhaustion, says the Austrian political scientist Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve. The supposed ideal of the small family is to blame.




Interview: Claudia Landolt




The full interview in German can be found at this link: Fritz und Fränzi


23 May 2017


On the publication of my new book, The Failure of the Nuclear Family. Capitalism, Love and the State, an interview was held on occasion of receiving the publishing house's Award for Author of the Month.


Five questions for our author Mariam Tazi-Preve
interview in German, originally published in the publisher's Blog
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 4.2 MB

13 May 2017


Mother's Day interview with the daily newspaper Der Standard



STANDARD: In your new book you write that the nuclear family has failed. Why do you think that?
Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve: My central thesis is that the nuclear family is wrong. This is mainly due to two things: that the lifelong romantic relationship does not work and that it takes a lot more than two people to raise children safely. There is no such thing as eternal love, just think of the separation and divorce numbers... 




The full interview can be found in the print version of STANDARD from May 13, 2017 and under the following link on the newspaper’s website: Mariam Tazi-Preve, the interview 




More about this topic in my book:  Das Versagen der Kleinfamilie. Kapitalismus, Liebe und der Staat.

Die Familie ist nur eine vermeintliche Idylle

29 April 2017


Die Familie ist nur eine vermeintliche Idylle
The family is just a presumed idyll


My interview with Judith Wittwer for the swiss TagesAnzeiger quickly became one of the most read articles in the national daily newspaper.




For those who haven't read the interview yet, here is a small excerpt and a link to the newspaper's website.




Today more than ever, young couples dream of family happiness. But you are writing a book about the failure of the nuclear family. How does that fit together? 


Starting a family of your own is actually high on the wish list for boys. We are experiencing a re-familiarization. The more insecure the world in which we live and work, the greater the longing for a stable place of retreat. But the family idyll is only supposed. It leaves behind failed marriages, abandoned mothers, insecure fathers and sad children.




Why does belief in the family remain intact despite high divorce rates?


Because young people are being led to believe that the nuclear family is the desirable ideal of a private lifestyle. A good job, a functioning family life...




You can find the full interview in German on the website Tagesanzeiger


2 November 2016


Wie sind Kinder und Beruf vereinbar?

Interview on the topic: How are children and work compatible?


In the Swiss parent's magazine Fritz und Fränzi


13 October 2016


Radio interview on “Unwanted Pregnancies
Ö1 Journal Panorama

Interview audio in German
MP3 Audio Datei 19.8 MB

  • 14 October 2013
    Interview with  Sybille Stillhart for her book „Müde Mütter – Fitte Väter. Warum Frauen immer mehr arbeiten und es trotzdem nirgendwohin bringen“ (Tired Mothers – Fit Fathers. Why Women work ever more and still don't get anywhere)
  • Film Trailer: 10 years Matriarchal Conferences 2003-2014 > Link (Dropbox)
  • Autumn 2012
    Cover story: Vienna’s Arbitration Panel for In Rem Restitution - Mariam Tazi-Preve on gender and the welfare state & more
    Interview with the Austrian Studies Newsmagazine (Center for Austrian Studies, University of Minnesota). Gender and the Welfare State, Vol.24, No.2, Fall 2012, p. 16-18, 31
  • 19 July 2011
    Interview on Daycare and Motherhood
    Radio Ö1 Vienna
  • 7 October 2010
    Guest appearance, live discussion on introducing laws against the Gender Wage Gap
    Radio FM4 Vienna

8 - 10 June 2009


Four-part show on Fatherhood

Interview Radio Ö1 Vienna - in German


Radio Ö1 Vienna 2009
Part 1
track 01.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 20.7 MB
Radio Ö1 Vienna 2009
Part 2
track 02.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 20.5 MB
Radio Ö1 Vienna 2009
Part 3
track 03.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 20.3 MB
Radio Ö1 Vienna 2009
Part 4
track 04.mp3
MP3 Audio Datei 20.5 MB


Mariam Irene Tazi-Preves Facebook-Seite
Mariam Irene Tazi-Preves LinkedIn-Profil